Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Fate? Destiny? Lord's doings?

Today i found myself thinking how lucky i am to have zenith. After much thinking, i teared. And recently i read somewhere on twitter something about for those relationships that worked out alright, you would have never expected them to in the first place.

True enough because i never never in my life would have thought my life partner to be him. There is no way that i would have known him in real life 6 years ago or even now because we are 2 completely different people, no mutual friends at all, different institutions and passion.

And even though i knew him through Habbohotel, what is the chance that i would bump into him in one of those rooms, in the sea of 2D desperate characters? That small chance was given from Him. Im really really grateful for the Lord to even let me know him. He's not a bad friend, i like to chat with him because he has a character that no one else has. He listens to me when i had breakups with my ex-es, he kept in contact with me all these years, even when i started my uni in australia.  I was also skeptical that he may be quite immature r/s wise because he's 1 year younger than me. I always thought my ideal partner would be around 3-4 years older.

But because of him, i understand what is a relationship. He treasures communication and honesty just like me.  Things just miraculously worked out really alright. Im surprised, in awe and appreciated in everything you have done for me.


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